Thursday, April 3, 2014

Why do men fight a battle that is already won?

"When Christians declare that they would rather withhold aid from people who need it than serve alongside gays and lesbians helping to provide that aid, something is wrong." Rachel Evans - blogger

Thousands of Christians would rather be "right" in their interpretation of scripture than feed the children. If we're going to refuse equal rights to gays based on "scriptural integrity" than we need to at least be consistent and alienate all types of "unrepentant" sinners. Furthermore, we had better do our research on all entities we currently support and make sure their interpretation of scripture lines up with our own.

There is an alternative. Accept the grace God has so freely given to all man. Accept the fact that we are no different - we are all sinners in need of a savior. When Christ died, he declared it was finished. So, why continue to fight a finished battle?

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