Sunday, April 20, 2014

God's not dead!

Jesus is Grace, Grace is Jesus, and Jesus is alive. This is good news!

His death was the final payment for the sin of the world - past, present and future. This means the entire world is forgiven and sin no longer requires atonement. "It is finished" and He did it for us - everyone! "God so loved the WORLD ..." The good news is that includes you and me! We are forgiven and sin is no longer an issue. He fulfilled the law and we are free indeed. We don't have to do a single thing - it is finished! These aren't my words; Jesus said it.

Better news is Jesus is no longer dead. Indeed, as the title of a popular song and movie states, "God is not dead!" We don't have to bring him back to life, back into our government, or even our schools. On the contrary, He has always been and will always be. He put everything into place and with reason - his will not ours. This is amazing news! Why - because He loves us. He is our heavenly daddy and made us just like him. He wouldn't make anyone like him and not like them. That's too many 'likes' so let's just say, he loves us all.

If you can believe that, you're in. That's right, you're saved. You're already forgiven and now you will be with him in paradise forever. If it is no true, then I am the biggest fool of all. I'm okay with that.

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