Have you had an "aha" moment lately? Not just a "that makes sense" moment but a revelation that seems to encompass everything else. That would be great wouldn't it? Just imagine for moment that an idea could put your soul at rest. Consider the possibility that a simple concept could not only eliminate internal conflict but also alleviate tension among persons of different opinions. If there was such a concept, even a truth, would you be interested? Would you be willing to accept it? If so, continue reading.
Here it is. I am a sinner and a saint - simultaneously. That's it! It's simple and you've likely heard it before. The problem is we have rationalized this phrase to death. Its significance, however, is monumental. Let me explain in very practical terms. I'll use a low-level illustration to avoid personal embarrassment. You can fill in the blanks with your own struggle. I get angry when someone doesn't do something they told me they would do, and, in my anger, I believe I sin. I can rationalize my anger but I know when I have crossed the line. I don't just get my feathers ruffled a bit. This is a major trigger for me. Okay, so I've established that I am a sinner. What about a saint? Not only a saint, but a saint at the exact same moment I am a sinner. That's where "I" is taken out of the equation and Christ takes place - not only in who he is but also in what I experience. I believe his sacrifice - death on a cross - erased all of my sin - past, future and present. Therefore, even while I am angry, I am a saint.
All that stuff above is nothing but useless head knowledge unless I can experience it. Guess what? I do! Not always mind you, but when I put it to practice, I can experience peace. Peace that surpasses all head knowledge. Here's how it works. I talk to myself. If you think I'm crazy - that's alright. I'll get over it. The conversation goes something like this. "Okay John, you've been here before and you'll be here again. You've tried to stop being so angry before and it just didn't work out so well - you failed and you will fail again. Remember, you are really angry right now AND you are a saint. Even in the middle of your present state of sin, you are in fellowship with the God of the universe through the blood of Christ." Then, I simply allow the peace of God pour over my mind and soul. I find rest.
I believe Jesus died so I can be free - free to sin and be a saint at the same time! The very reason Jesus became man and died on a cross was to pay the price for my sin. It wasn't my idea, it was his dad's idea and he agreed with the crazy notion. All I have to do is accept it. I don't even have to agree with it. If God willed it, it happened.
Some may think this way of thinking is dangerous because it provides a license to sin. I understand this way of thinking. It's scary. We want to maintain order. The truth is I don't need a license to sin. I am a sinner. Sin is my nature, AND God made me a saint. I'll even go one further and say that I am a saint even if I sin deliberately. That might raise some eyebrows. However, I don't claim to understand God's love. I'm not God and certainly never will be. None-the-less, I believe God's love is perfect and unconditional - I DON'T HAVE TO EARN IT AND I CAN'T LOOSE IT! Neither can you BTW.
Here's the kicker! Are you ready for this? It just might blow your mind and provide that aha moment. It did for me. When I experience God's love and acceptance in the middle of my sin; e.g., anger, the anger goes away. Even if the anger didn't go away, however, I am confident God still loves me.
So there it is - my aha moment. I am a sinner and a saint - simultaneously. And, I believe the same it true for you. All you have to do is accept what is already truth. God sent his son to save the world - to save us! His love is timeless and it is exactly what we all need.
"While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).
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