Thursday, April 3, 2014

Silence is not enough

Our daughter heard these words yesterday, "black girls are stupid". I am infuriated that these words would be spoken by anyone. It breaks my heart that my daughter had to hear them. Nobody should have to deal with this.

Last night she said (in tears), "I have had to deal with this every year since I have been here. Will it ever go away?" Well, here is America, here is your home town, and here includes us - You and me both!

It is not enough to simply disagree with hateful words. It is not enough to agree with others that support love and acceptance. I am almost certain that whoever said these hateful words, heard them from someone else. Please be proactive in spreading love and acceptance.

How far have we come as a society and how far do we need to go? The answer is simple - All the way!

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